The Straw Pavilion- A True Example Of Beauty

The Straw Pavilion

At the start of the year 2021, Vietnamese architecture firm MIA Design Studio has created a unique structure. This structure known as ‘The Straw’ as the name suggests, this structure made with the pieces of the straw which considered a unique structure. To know more about “The Straw Pavilion”, here is a read.

Designed and Implemented By:

The Straw Pavilion
The project ‘The straw’ designed by firm MIA Design Studio. MIA design studio is quite famous for winning the WA Awards in the 36th and 33rd Cycles with Villa Tan Dinh and Sky House from Vietnam. So ‘The straw pavilion’ had to be extraordinary and hence this place will be used for various kinds of architectural events.
The Straw Pavilion
The principal architect of this project is Nguyen Hoang Manha. His design team included Truong Nguyen Quoc Trung and Le Thanh Thuong who are among the best architects of the city. Together they have created the venue which gives the pretty calm and romantic vibes.

The Straw Pavilion Inside Out:

The Straw Pavilion
The Straw Pavilion covers an area of approximately 72 m². It is located in Thu Duc, HCMC, Vietnam. In December 2020, Mia design studio started the project and it took a month to complete the project. The architects have chosen this particular area in Ho Chi Minh City and the particular material straw because when you enter the site, you will notice the presence of nature.
The Straw Pavilion
There is a serene atmosphere, tranquil oasis, and breathtaking views which is just amazing. As these architects said that every garden has its unique character and presence. Moreover, They wanted to create a design that would match its unique vibe and blend with it completely. And the result was The straw. ‘The straw’ mixes perfectly with this amazing nature.
The Straw Pavilion
If you look at it from a distance it may seem to be chaotic and un-arranged. However, if you get closer to it, you will find out that all these straw-like timber components follow a strict gridded organization. It maintains a perpendicular relationship with each other which at the end gives an awesome look.
Since the pavilion envisioned to the emotions of the Vietnamese countryside people, the straw chosen as a building material. An architect intends to connect to people’s hearts and hence added a touch of local culture to the structure. The structure connects all the visitors to the roots of the Vietnamese culture. Hence, this architecture reflects a connection to their consciousness and arouses memories.


The Straw Pavilion is a perfect example of a true blend of nature and architecture. As the garden and the structure blend in with each other completely, therefore with no direct interaction, it can appear and disappear simultaneously. The above article covers all the important details of the place. Go through the article once and explore the experiential elements of a mound of straw sitting among a garden.
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